Debating Networks: Fox, CNN, and the Negotiations for Fairness

I think ABC is really should be shut out. I’d much rather do it on NBC. I’d much rather do it on CBS. Frankly, I think CBS is very unfair. But the best of the group, and certainly I’d do it on Fox. I’d even do it on CNN. I thought CNN treated us very fairly the last time. I think Jake Tapper was very fair and Dana Bash was very fair. But they also want to change the rules. You know, the deal was we keep the same rules. Now all of a sudden, they want to make a change in the rules because she can’t answer questions. Why doesn’t she do a couple of, uh, question answer. Why doesn’t she do something like I’m doing right now? The agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time. In that case, it was muted. Uh, I didn’t like it the last time, but it worked out fine. I mean, ask Biden how it worked out. It was fine, and I think it should be the same. We agreed to the same rules. Same rules and same specifications, and I think that’s probably what it should be. But they’re trying to change it.