Petitioning for Covered Player Parks: A Solution to the UK’s Rainy Weather Woes

Karen, I feel like we need to petition for more player parks that are underneath the cover. Because let’s face it, we live in the UK. Chances are when you wake up that there, it’s gonna be raining. I don’t know who. I think cricket in having open player parks because it is just completely pointless. Anyway, we discovered one recently and it’s actually a really nice park. It’s got one of those kind Bungie floors and it’s got a lot for older kids and a lot for younger kids. It’s just very cute. And because it’s under a cover, we’re protected from the rain. So we can literally go no matter what the weather is doing. All of the sides are completely open. It’s just like a nice little roof overview. And I just think that is such a good idea. I think we need more of them in the UK so if the government could listen, do that for us, that would be brilliant. Can we all agree that soft plays such a rip off and some of the ones you go to, by the time you’ve eaten there and two adults have gone in with the kids, it literally ends up costing over 4 liquid. And I just think that is absolutely insane, especially when you’re on maternity leave. And it’s absolutely shocking. Pair one that we found is outside a shopping complex. So we always go in and have a little run around afterwards. And I found these amazing brownies today. So it was a win situation for everybody involved.