Memories Captured in Film: A Hilarious Family Album Experience

You know when you take a picture now, it’s like, oh my god! No, delete, delete! No, delete, delete! Those pictures were taken. The film was put down into the chemist and left there for eight or nine months, right? That’s how long it took to develop. And then when they came back, your mom seen them but still didn’t throw them out. You’re gonna be like, brilliant. I’ll put them into the family album. That’s great. Fucking put them in so they can slide you off when you’re fucking older. Right? This is gonna be me on the left. Look at this shit. Look. I look like a fast little Harry Lloyd. I don’t know what’s going on. That jacket is not even mine. I think it’s my sister’s. My belly is bursting through it. And look, there’s me mom with her whiskey face. Everybody’s alright. We’re all okay. And then my little sister in the middle, she looks like a little alcoholic Irish fucking drunk. And I said to my dad, why do my sister look like an alcoholic in that picture? And my dad said, because she was one. Used to get her tummy and stick it in the whiskey and put it in her face. So she got addicted to whiskey. And that’s why she’s not looking forward in the picture. She’s looking at me mom’s whiskey on the fucking table. I fucking love a spitz of that.