Title: Embracing God’s Refining Love: Lessons on Repentance, Resilience, and Redemption

I’ve tried to record this like 5 times and stuff keeps happening, so i’mma try again. Talking about God’s refining love and God’s refining fire. Excuse me? Oh my gosh. God’s love is a refining fire? Yes. God will bring troubles and discomforts and disasters into your life to refine you as a person, to make you more like Jesus. Okay. He’s trying to get your attention so that you will repent and humble yourself and turn to him. And I’ve written a bunch of things down. So, um, he does these things out of love. This is out of love from. From your Father, Heavenly Father. And yeah, we see examples in. In. Throughout the Bible. And I’ve been talking about the book of Jonah recently. God calls him to go preach to the Ninevehites. Jonah is like, no way, I hate the ninevehites. He runs away. So god sends him trials and disaster to correct Jonah, to refine Jonah. And in second Corinthians, chapter 7, verse 9, it says, as it is, I rejoice not because you are grieved, but because you are grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief so that you suffered no loss through us. He grieved into repenting. It’s a god godly grief. This is God’s refining love. We agreed. Into repenting through the trials of life. James chapter 1, verse 2 to four. Count it all. Joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. For you know that The testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. So we must count these trials of joy because it produces steadfastness and refines us. And god gets us to draw near to him through this process of refinement. And some people are gonna have a longer refinement time because they’re more stubborn or, you know, takes longer for others to learn, you know, and. But god is always near and waiting with open arms. That is a promise. And it says in James chapter 4, verse 8, draw near to god, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded. So what we need to do is admit to god that we need him, that we cannot do it on our own. We need to go, Jesus, I need you. Cleanse my hands and purify my heart and rewire my brain for your will and not mine. In Jesus name, amen. And some things we can ask ourselves is, what is god trying to teach me in this season of refinement? What part of of me is god trying to refine? And just know that in Romans chapter 8, verse 28, it says, and we know for that those who love god, all things work together for good. All things work together for good for those who love god. Okay, for those who are called According to his purpose. So for those who love god and are called according to his purpose, all things will work together for our good. These trials and disasters will work together for our good. Later, we will thank god for what happened to us, because we are refined and more like him. And, uh, some other things I wrote down is, you know, God’s love is accepting. He’s seeking. He’s seeking you. You know, God’s love is seeking and accepting. And god loves us in spite of all the sin and bad things we do. And god gives us mercy that we do not deserve. And we all deserve death for our sins. According to Romans, chapter 6:23, it says, for the wages of sin is death. But the free gift of god is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. So even though we deserve death, Jesus died on the cross, rose again three days later so that we didn’t have to. To die. You know, he. We’re debt free. Our sin equals death. So he took that death for us. And praise the Lord for not giving us what we deserve. So humble yourselves, repent, and live for God’s glory. And thank you for watching god bless.