Maximizing Performance: Upgrading the Camaro Transmission with a High Stall Torque Converter

This two thousand dollar transmission part is gonna make my Camaro go mid nines. Solly’s high stall torque converter finally came, so let’s go ahead and check it out. Pretty sure this thing is built to order because it took quite a while to get here. That being said, it is a 30 four hundred stall. So this thing is no joke. I’ll explain exactly why I have a 34 hundred stall. Because a lot of the NA Camaros out there have way higher stalls. And take for example if you have a turbo or a procharger, you guys would have a higher stall as well. And if you don’t know what stall is, basically it determines what number you can go ahead and do a dig at. So from the factory, the Camaro is stuck with a 19 stall. Now if you flash the converter, you can maybe get about 2000 out of it. Anything more than 19, you know, when you’re at the starting line, the car will actually start pushing through the brakes and the rear wheel will go like this. That is the simplest way I can explain stall speed. Basically it’s the maximum number that you can go to without the rear wheel going like this. You don’t have to worry about a torque converter or stall speed. In my Audi because I have a DSG, there’s no torque converter. The reason why I don’t need a super high stall like turbo or pro charged Cars is because I have a Whipple, and that thing hits down low. So when I spoke to Circle D, they told me that I would be perfect with a 30 four hundred stall. Obviously, I told them everything that I did to the car, including the cam specs. And just to put it in perspective, this car went 10 0 on a stock converter at 1 4 2. Based on what it trapped before, that is more than enough with that high stall right there to go mid 9. That being said, I will be dropping the transmission very soon to put that in. I said, we’re gonna make stuff happen with these cars. And I started with the Audi.