Booty, Booty, and Minnesota: A Game of Knowledge and Competition

Here we go. What is it? Booty. Booty. It’s Minnesota. It’s booty. It was booty. Alright. Booty. Henry. It was booty. So they get a point. You have nothing. Didn’t even know it existed. Yeah, you bet your booty it does. Haha. Alright, let’s see the next one. Ireland. Ireland. Ireland is correct. Yes! 2.0. Alright. What? Hahaha! Alright, let’s see the third one. Come on, Henry, Focus. Connecticut. Minnesota. It’s Connecticut. It’s Connecticut. Yes. How do you know? I live there. Oh, I live there. I live there. Let’s see another one. Pakistan. Pakistan. Let’s go for Pakistan. No, Turkmenistan. Yes. Oh yeah, Turkmenistan. I wonder why it keeps saying Minnesota. It looks. Are you ready? Let’s do this together. Alright, get ready, Henry. Next one. Italy. Italy. Italy. Sicily. Italy. But come on, Sicily is right there. Yes, it is, but it’s. But it’s really Italy. Alright, get ready. Let’s see the next one. France. France. France. I said it first though, right? You did say it first, so you. Yes, yes, they said it first. You are competitive. Haha. Alright, let’s see the next one. Come on, Henry. Come on. New York. New York. What is it? New York. I was born there. You. You were? Yeah, my dad was born there. Yeah, I was born right there. All right, but I still said it first. Henry. Yes. We got seven. And Henry has zero. Seven and a half. I think I. Six and a half. All right, well, Henry, This game could go on forever and you still wouldn’t have a point. Congratulations for winning. We won. You get this? Did we win? Oh, how about that?