Title: Transforming Campus Communities: The Arifarane Initiative’s Fight Against Poverty Through Gardening and Technology Integration

Hello guys, my name is Elvis Malemela and I’m a 3rd year student studying I t in Social Sciences of campus. So arifarane is a student organisation that the main goal is to fight against poverty. So gardening is one of the best way that you can do that because you can produce your own food. So how it started was very simple. We had an issue of poverty. We come from different backgrounds and students are starving. So what is the solution? Gardening. So if we can implement gardening ourselves then we can have our solution towards poverty. That’s how it started. So how we’re going right now it’s we’re trying to be consistent and make sure that our production is one of the the best that we can offer as students. And after that we hope that we can integrate agriculture with technology. As an I t student that is my main goal to make sure that we our production is efficient to make sure that our production is the best through technology as technology is the future. Thank you.