Life of Amy: A Journey Through Plants, Family, and Savings

hey if you’re just meeting me my name is Amy I have a lot of plants in my house I tease I’m either in eyelashes and makeup or I’m a complete bum and there’s no in between I’m a mama and a foster mom and I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 27 years we live in the Pacific Northwest which means rainy Seattle so whenever there is some sunshine especially as we’re getting close to fall we want to be out in it I’ve had a Ted talk which is kind of crazy so and oh and I’m a best selling author so I teach families how to save money on groceries I do that on The Cross Legacy on Instagram and YouTube I have a little avocado hack right now that’s going viral and it’s been shared like 3.6 million times the last couple days which is kind of fun here on TikTok I am doing something completely different and I am actually promoting the TikTok shop and talking about my favorite products and um different things around the house so I’ve actually owned a housekeeping company for almost 20 years and so I like to be able to talk about cleaning hacks and organizing so if any of those things sound interesting to you just hit that follow button and follow along for all of our adventures over here on TikTok