Empowering Self-Worth through Social Media Marketing: A Day at Summit Salon Academy

I’m headed to the Summit Salon Academy and um here in Anderson IN to teach uh one of my very favorite classes which is around marketing and social media and um the biggest conversation I have in these in these classes is the idea of just turning on the camera and taking the picture and taking the photo and not putting or attaching your self worth into the content so I don’t know how this is gonna play out I I typically don’t um you know uh make content while I’m teaching the class but i’mma see if this class is uh willing to entertain me and we’ll see how this goes all right I’m pulling up now hi I’m teaching the social media class right now y’all say hi so the conversation right now is like how do we make a certain post and I’m making this video to make that post and we’re gonna make a little hype video for you alright next person yep yeah that’s gonna be our thank you thank you thank you you’re welcome they’re way smarter than me yes that’s how we’re gonna do it get away from the camera they asked me to do this I didn’t ask them to do it let’s go let’s go let’s go what time is it what time is it 4:23 alright we got time let’s go let’s go let’s go good good good good