Punching Dreams: A Hilarious Workout and Recovery Game with Cameron

What is this? Uh, this is a punch it. See how strong you are, machine? Are you serious? This is so cool. Oh, my gosh. Right here’s good. Oh! Oh, god. Oh, yeah. Two hoodies. You’re a monster. Oh, let me see your left hook. My hand is bleeding. Oh, god, that’s mean. Supposed to hit with the first two knuckles. Yes. All right. I used pinky and thumb. It’s like I’m punching my dreams right now. Oh, there it is. Hey, 2:26. You know what’s crazy? How wildly bigger I am than you, and you’re throwing haymakers. You’re like a mantis shrimp. I boil air around. Yeah, baby! Whoa! Let me go see if I got anything for a recovery. Oh, good call. Or a game. I’m really jonesing for a game. Yeah, you like games? I love games. Found a little something that will be a little bit of a game, little bit of recovery. Okay. Dude. What? You’ve lost your mind. Haha. Is that for. It is, isn’t it? That’s not what I thought it was. I thought that was a, like a colonoscopy thing. It is, isn’t it? Why? Wait, why is there slogan all your joy? Are you serious? What? So what are you. What are you supposed to. Why? What are you supposed to do? Oh, you asked me. Don’t gag at the inside of my mouth. No, I’m gonna. Whoa! No, I took a bite. I got reflex. Oh, yeah. Wow, you. Dude, Fool. Okay. Whoa. Yeah. Make it move for me. Not in a weird way. Let me move. No one has seen me laugh that deeply other than you, Cameron.