Tomato Haul: A Colorful Variety of Delicious Summer Treasures

okay we have guests over but I just wanna show you my tomato haul really quick because priorities um here are all of my little mini red cherry tomatoes literally candy okay well then we’ve got these and I will argue that these are actually sweeter than the normal ones delicious don’t know what they’re called there’s a variety in here too but mainly these little darker ones and then for the star of the show it’s just this basket so we’ve got just like some regular just heirloomy ones heirloom then this is a cornue which is like a uh this is a corne uh uh you know um you know what I’m talking about uh this is a green zebra but we let them get a little too ripe so they’re kind of yellowy but they’re still delicious they’re a little mealy but the flavors there these are pink blush I think they’re called pink Blush F1 these are just regular tomato tomatoes these guys another type of heirloom really funky shapes yum not no uh this is a black one but it’s not that black but I I don’t mind it it’s yum everything is yum I love a tomato anyways this and then we’ve got some yellow pears for cute I’m gonna pretend they’re earrings again as I’ve done with every single fruit and veg this summer uh horn that’s what I mean this is a horn uh anyways like that this is another little one that’s my haul of all my tomatoes I’m gonna go now and be nice to my guests do I want to should we hide in the kitchen maybe