Unleashing My Fun and Bold Style: Gaudi’s Transformation Journey

How would you describe your ideal style? I would like to dress everyday in bold prints and color. So you like a lot of, like, fun, interesting pieces? Yes. My name is Gaudi. I’m 39 years old. I’m doing this makeover because I’ve been in a transformation journey for the past three years, and I want my style to reflect that growth and my true personality. Gaudi is someone who really wants to express herself fully and completely through her style. I chose her for this makeover because I wanted to help her express her creativity through fun prints, bold color, and teach her how to shop for those pieces. When I think about your ideal wardrobe, this is visually how I see it. Lots of color, but still having some staples that are neutrals and learning how to mix and match those together. Totally different from what it looks right now. What is your current wardrobe look like? Very gray, black, navy, not a lot of print. So when you see this all together, what’s your first reaction? That I wanna try it on. Okay, let’s try it on. Oh, my gosh, I love that. I love it. It’s so pretty, and the colors are so bright. I would never combine these who I feel like, because to me, it felt like too much color, but I. But it’s exactly what I want, so I don’t know why I was afraid of it. And I love the diagonal lines. Alright, first outfit. Let’s keep going. I often don’t want to pick the things that really interest me because I have this here of, oh, what would people think? What would people say? Shopping for this type of style and aesthetic can be really challenging because you have to be so intentional about the things that you’re looking for. I want to teach Gowdy today how to think a little bit more outside of the box and also trust her intuition that if she likes something that’s fun and interesting, she doesn’t have to fear that someone’s gonna make fun of her, but she can own it and really live and breathe that confidence. Easy way to think about mixing prints together, taking one color from one print. So we’ve taken this color right here in the skirt, and then matching that color into another print. They’re complimenting one another. This look isn’t complete. We could add a fun belt, like a studded style, to really bring it more to life. I love it. It looks even better. That is why accessories are so important. It’s so, so different to have someone that knows what they’re doing show you what to pick out for yourself. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was also nervous excited because I trust Kenzie after seeing all of her other makeovers. So because you have such a specific, fun style, one of the ways that you can cut cost in terms of, like, Having those, like, fun pieces is with accessories. So stop only buying clothes. Prioritize also investing in accessories. You just don’t have to spend a ton of money on that. You can go to places like Amazon, Anthropologie, where it’s more affordable. So a little style tip. Because she’s doing a really smooth, textured bag here, we’re gonna add a pattern sunglass to help really bring it to life, and then we’re gonna change that up. So since she’s doing a more textured bag, we’re gonna go with a solid color sunglass so that they’re not contrasting too much. And that looks really pretty. I like that. It’s fun and simple, but just adds a little something extra. Shoes can really make or break an outfit. So I wanted to show Gotti these really fun metallic boots because Gotti has such a fun and playful style. We really want to lean into that not only with her accessories and clothing, but also with her shoes, because that will help complete the look. Even like this simple outfit that you have on right now, the shoes just instantly elevate it and make it look more fun. I don’t know. Are you sure I can pull these boots off? Absolutely. Girl, all the girls are gonna be asking you where you got these boots. I’m gonna be seen a mile away. That’s okay. Haha. Tell me a little bit about your day to day look. For my makeup, I do a lot Of, like, skin tint, and I’m trying to learn more about how to do my eyes. So focal on the eyes, and then we’re big on skin. I love that. So I think we’re gonna give you a little more color today with the makeup and kind of play with matching with your outfits and then with the hair. I really wanna focus on your texture. You have a beautiful texture, and these layers are really gonna go well with something kind of a little more messy. Oh, that would be awesome. We’re gonna do a sleek back look, which has been very trendy. One of Kenzie’s favorite products to use and mine, as well as the color. Wow. Pop and lock. This is gonna give you a high shine finish. Two pumps into the hand, and then I like to work it from the front to the back. It gives you a high gloss finish without giving you that greasy, kind of too wet look. I’ve been through a spiritual journey, and I really been growing internally and had a lot of emotional healing. I used to be so serious and not able to really will be myself in the presence of others. So I really want my style to reflect my personality to people so they can have a little bit of an idea of my personality. These new outfits really showed me how to be myself outwardly, because I use my old style to really as a Shield to hide from the world. To really blend in. I don’t want to blend in anymore. I want to be who I’m made to be. Gaudie looks incredible. I love all of the color, the patterns, the. Sure. It really just goes to show that you can wear a fun and unique style and really lean into your authentic personality and express that through your outfit. Now that I see myself with. With this outfit, I’m like, oh, my god, it’s actually possible for me to wear this type of style, and it’s so inspiring. I would say I saw the vision. Now it’s about duplicating it and making it happen by myself. Everyone thinks I’m chai, but this style is actually making me feel like a bad bitch.