How to Sell Dog Tokens on Binance, Convert to USDT, and Cash Out to Local Bank Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now these are for those of you who received your dogs token through your Binance and you want to sell and also convert it to USDT and I’ll also be covering the P2P parts where you can actually sell off to that of your local bank account. Okay via Buybit P2P because Binance do not have a P2P option. Okay, so what you simply need to do here is just to go over to your wallet to confirm your dog airdrop. So we scroll down to look for our dogs. Alright as you can see this is dogs. We have about 29 dollar worth of dog token. Alright so we go to trades you click on this it’s here and you search for dogs. Okay now that’s Docs USDT. Alright so we are not buying rather we are selling. So you click on the sell icon. Now once that is done you click on the limit and you set it to market order. I hope you guys are following up. Alright it’s the same process from that of yesterday. Now once you’ve done this you simply toggle this is your dog because you want to sell all of them so toggle it to hundred percent. Alright and then you click on sell Dogs. That’s it order has been created. So let’s go back. Let’s go back to the wallet to see if we’ve gotten our USDT in that order. Alright as you can see we have our 29 USDT. Okay Which is that simple it’s just that that’s all you need to do alright so what we simply need to do right now is to head over to bybit because we’ll have to transfer these funds to bybit to sell on the bybit P2P because Binance do not have a P2P option alright currently here in Nigeria they don’t so you go over to your bybit you click on your assets all right now you click on deposit okay you click on deposit crypto and then you select USDT or you search for USDT now we are going to be using the TRC20 okay we’ll be using the TRC20 network which is on TRX which is Tron because they are usually fast I think BTC twenty is still okay if you can go with BTC twenty it’s still under the Binance Smart chain that’s okay but we’ll be receiving this through the TRC20 so you copy the network address now you head back to Binance okay now you actually go to the wallet you still stick in the wallet you scroll up you click on withdraw okay now you are withdrawing you click on USDT or you search for USDT now you you have to click on send via crypto network okay now once you do that you long press and paste that address you copied from bybit which is the t um um this thing what they call it again t r C 20 right yeah now you select Network and then you select Tron t L C20 Network okay that’s it now we click on Max rather let’s just do 25 dollar okay now by doing 25 dollar you can see the receive amount should be 23 alright TRC is expensive they will charge you 2 dollar worth of network fee for the gas fee that kind of a thing yeah you click on withdraw now you click on confirm so we just wait so it says withdraw successful okay so we go over to bybit and as you can see the money is already here so what we simply need to do now is go to the home tab okay now once you’re here on home you’ll see on your buy bits you’ll see P2P trading okay you click on it now we’re here on P2P you click on sell because you want to sell okay so once you do click on that then you click on the amount alright definitely is on USDT so we just have to put in the amount we need let’s say we’re looking for something worth of want to sell within um $20 so let’s just put from 20,000 in naira okay you click on that you have to actually select the amount you really want to trade with okay the denomination or something now you have to make sure that this is on naira okay make sure that is a Nira so you can just simply search on the search Bar if it’s your first time doing it you might not see Nira there you search on G n g okay n g n sorry and once you click on that that’s all you need to do you don’t need to go to filter to verify merchants and all that just scroll so that you see you can actually see the one that is actually you know suitable for you like this first guy here he’s selling for 1,009 65 but I am ineligible for this because I haven’t put in all my details requirements now this joy sells for 1000 and 1,509 91 and she’s made over 4,500 trades and her percent is 98 which is very impressive now these are the kind of people you need to be trading with trade from people who have above 1005 trades okay and as you can see as well she is currently online okay that’s what matters and her limit is also 20,000 we just imputed and above okay so you click on sell now once you’ve done that we want to sell that amount $25 so click on 25 alright which will give us 39,000 in naira alright so you can just I can just simply click on this and impute my bank details so I’m just gonna do that so now that I’ve imputed the bank details I will just simply click on sell okay it says transaction limit has been exceeded so I have to select again you Will be seeing this from time to time once this pop up have no issues at all there’s no problem just go back to the homepage and look for on that seller alright, so we’ll found on that seller the same range so just click on sell. I’ve inputted all the details like we did in the previous one and that is it. Now it’s going to bring you here okay to this prompt. Now once you’re here you just simply click on Contact Buyer and then you leave your information you make sure you leave your phone number okay so that the person can actually reach out to you alright, so once you do this you send your number to the person and an additional tip is to also write I’m active okay, this helps them know that you’re online this helps them know you are online so that they can attend to you sharply alright once you do this you just simply wait alright so it says that I should release now okay but before you do this make sure that you have actually gone to your account to verify that you’ve gotten your payments alright do not just release the coin before going to check your account go and check your account make sure your money is there then come back and you release okay that’s how to do it it’s that simple. Now you click on release and you click I have checks and you click I have confirmed that the person has made a payment and then you click on release now. Okay, it’s gonna prompt this message. You click acknowledge, then you put in your, you know, authenticator from Google or email or whatsoever and that is it. It do pass like that. And as always, please like share, follow and subscribe and I’ll see you on the next one.