Surviving the Marketing Meeting: Navigating Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Email Distractions

that was the most harrowing experience I ever encountered in the marketing meeting harrowing harrowing I’m in the marketing meeting which is the company wide meeting whole thing is on zoom and I’m presenting the work that we’ve done for Vince Flynn for Jack Carr to hundreds of people the CEO is there and at that moment in time for whatever reason my department decided to have this dopey conversation on Microsoft Teams but I’m talking and the bloop bloop sound of the Microsoft Teams is throwing me off and I’m so distracted yeah well that happened to me yesterday when I was trying to write an email from like scratch which is already hard enough and you were actually the one starting the teams blooping was I important email yesterday I don’t know how to turn off team sound so I’m trying to write this email and it keeps popping up in the corner in front of the email that I’m writing to so I can’t even write the email and the boxes like go away on its own you have to press X or it stays there forever yes I’m getting like a bunch of them and I just had to wait till the conversation died to write the rest of my email there’s no way it really truly was like an obstacle course I was zigging and zagging trying to concentrate on what I had to say and every time the box pops up and the bloop bloop sound was driving me mad finally I