Unearthing a Decade-Long Mystery: A 10-Year Removal Journey

Earlier I discovered that there’s like this little swell right there. What? That’s not scar tissue. This is something you should go to a doctor for. Just saying that. Well, she did. I did. And I didn’t take it out and. Yeah. And they didn’t take it out. Why? They took something out. Yeah. I’m gonna do then is I’m gonna go through the back and just poke at that little area and that’s it. Okay. I’m just gonna see inside it and see if there’s anything in there. If there’s not, I’m just gonna like close it back up. No, cause you can see the like the skin moving. I usually ask people cause there was one guy that I had, he had it in there for like 8 years. And I was just tripping out. I was like, how can you leave something in like. Like. Like that in your ear for so long? X marks the spot. Thank you. It’s almost done. Okay. This one been in for 10 years. What? 10 years. 10 years. Got it. There we go. Are you okay? Let me see that something. 10 years later. Are you okay? That was in her ear. Good job. Kind of satisfied? Yeah. In a painful way. Originally she came in for a piercing and then she ended up with a removal. A 10 year removal that was long overdue. Our tissues. And here’s your souvenir. Wow.