Everybody’s Cake Slice Review: A Full Circle Experience at Walmart

Houston, we got a problem. Why nobody tell me that buddy drop some cakes at Walmart? So he had different options. He had cakes that were just one flavor, and then he had these multi flavor. Like, you have a cheesecake, a confetti, and a blondie, which is like a molasses type brown sugar, if I’m correct. But yeah. I used to watch this all the time. I love the family. And now I’m gonna gas her past her cake. Oh, my god. It’s like a full circle. This is what it looks like. Packaging is beautiful, of course. Big chain, big franchise, all that stuff. Uh, the name is amazing. Everybody’s instead of everybody’s. Everybody’s cake Slice. Genius. So, cost was about four bucks. That’s pretty fair. I mean, and also, he’s a bigger company, so he’s getting a whole bunch of product so he can sell it at a cheaper price. Tea for taste. Let’s try the Blondie. Let’s move on to the confetti cake. Cheesecake. Is it a pass? No. Is it gas? Hell, no. The icing’s overly sweet, the textures, ah. And the taste is. Ah. I mean, I guess it’s pretty cool how he gives you three different flavors in one. Is it worth you making a trip just to go get this at the store? Hell, no. But is it worth you to go visit a Carlos bakery near you, or go make it a trip to go fly out of town? Maybe.