Mastering the Art of Hanging Paintings: A DIY Guide with a Twist

You guys gave me so much shit for the crooked wall paintings in my old apartment and honestly babes understandably so but in this new apartment I am determined to get these right so I saw a video on TikTok about like a little hack for hanging paintings on the wall by yourself perfectly every single time we’re gonna give it a go by the way, these are my new art paintings. How cute are they? Okay, so apparently you take your painter’s tape and you like Mark it up where the little like wall funky hanging parts are so like for example we would do here and here, stick it to the end, get rid of it, get yourself a little pen and then you Mark where the hooks gonna go on the tape and then when you peel it off you’ve got your tape with your little markings you can’t see that but there’s one there and there’s one on the other side now we take it to the wall I already have a few different markings on this wall because I wanted to make sure that I had the spacing correct between the door frames and then also from the height of the door frames because I want the top of the frame to hit the same height as the door frame which you guys can’t see in this shot but that’s what these are so next you wanna take your little level and you wanna make Sure that this one, which is the one that we’ve got the markings on at this point, you wanna make sure that that is level before you do anything else I’m actually a wizard because that’s already level. That’s perfect. No, that’s actually perfect. See, I could do this without this hack. Okay, next you’re gonna take your little hooky thing and your hammer with parental supervision and we’re just gonna into the, see, I could never do like tutorials for renovations, you know what I’m saying? Where the markings on the tape are just wait, scary. I also like to stress the importance of making sure that you have the correct hook these can take 5 kilos per hook, which is more than enough for these frames but if you’re gonna put it in the wall babes, make sure you’ve got the right hooks now that both your hooks are in, remove the tape and we’re gonna do the same thing on the other side. I’ve got two of the exact same frame so I’m just gonna use the exact same piece of tape. I will not be using the same piece of tape. We’re retiring this one. Okay, I put some more markings on the wall so that I know that the heights are correct but round two, the moment of truth, that can’t be right. I fear I may have made a mistake here because the hooks are not hooking into these, it’s hooking into this, not Me being like, make sure you select the right hooks. Anyway, we’re just gonna roll with it cause we’re too far gone. Mm mm. So see how that one’s higher? Cause it’s actually going where it should be. Let’s try No. 7 again. Ladies and gentle folk, I’ve done it. I’ve bloody done it. Look it look at it pretty do.