The Extravagant Eats of Round Swamp Farm: A Culinary Adventure in the Hamptons

We’re in the Hamptons trying the most expensive grocery store in the country. We just spent $276 on lunch. Round Swamp Farm makes arowana look like the dollar store. Honestly, it all looks delicious. We’re gonna start off with their 56 dollar lobster salad. Is that necessary? Is this like a prank? I feel poor just looking at this. It’s low key delicious, but by no means is it 56 dollars good. That’s crazy. Next up we have one of the most talked about items. Their 22 dollar chicken tenders. And their 15 dollar Chipotle Mayo to go with it. Unless they’re importing their chipotles from Guatemala on a PJ, there’s no reason this should be $15. It’s like pretty fine. The chipotle Mayo, on the other hand, is probably the top three chipotle Mayo I’ve ever had. Next up they’re $43 shrimp cocktail. They’re averaging $4 a shrimp. If I’m spending $4 a shrimp, it better be one of those colossal guys. Absolutely not worth it. That tastes pretty much like any other shrimp I’ve ever had. Next up, their 30 dollar chicken Caesar salad. The math is just not adding up here. Twenty two dollar chicken tenders and there’s like eight of them. And a thirty dollar salad with one tender on top. The rest is just lettuce. What kind of lettuce are they using? Are they importing this kale from the Amazon rainforest? It’s literally just lettuce with a tender on top. Next up we have their 33 dollar tuna poke bowl. Honestly, the bowl looked really big and then I discovered they lodge the massive dressing in the middle which takes up probably a fourth. Hmm. This dressing is bomb. It’s probably the world’s most expensive edible, but it is a really good one. Alright, next up, their 23 dollar roasted cauliflower. They’re probably running similar margins on this roasted cauliflower that Louis Vuitton is on their t shirts. Good for them. Honestly, they found this glitch in the system. I respect that they’re growing all their vegetables on their own farms, but it’s not 20. Three dollars good? Come on. Right? Next up they’re 12 dollar campfire cookies. That looks pretty incredible. Hmm. Marshmallow, Graham cracker, chocolate melting everywhere. The round swamp cookies are are kind of top tier.