Navigating Personal and Personnel Boundaries: Understanding Etiquette in Interactions

Your body, your character, your private life, or your physical appearance. That’s personal, right? Right. Personnel is a group of people in an organization or business or even in the military. That’s personnel. What part of speech do you think personal is? If it just. If it’s describing, it’s a what? Adjective, adjective, adjective. And personnel. If it’s a group of people, it’s a what? Bird. No, not a bird. And now. Very good. Thank you. Okay, so now let’s answer these questions. All blank at the bank. Have to be trained. All what? Personnel. P E R S O N E L. Good job. In my blank opinion, students should not ask teachers blank questions. In my what? In my personal opinion. And what’s the next one? Students should not ask teacher what? Personal. Personal what? Questions. Questions. And so it’s some examples of questions that students should not ask teachers if they should ask them personal questions. Just wait. How old they are? Yes. How much you weigh? Exactly how much you weigh? What are some other personal questions that you should not ask a teacher? What do you do at home? What do you do at home? Yes. Very good. Yes, sir. Are you divorced? Ah, yes. Yes. Yeah. Another one. What’s your minimum wage? What? Well, okay. What? Well, what’s that say? What’s the minimum wage? How much do you make? Right. Uh, any other questions that students should not ask teachers? Do you eat? Yes. What do you drive exactly? Don’t worry about what kind of car I have. Right. Uh, anything else? Yes. What type of house you live in or where. Where you live and how do you live? Okay, those are personal questions. You guys understand that? Thank you so much. Should you ask a teacher how old she is? No. No. Should you ask a teacher uh, is she married or not? No. No. Should you ask a teacher why she didn’t come to work? No. No. Should you ask a teacher where she buy her shoes? No. No. Should you ask a teacher why did, um, she wore that today? No. No. Should you ask a teacher what color lipstick that is she’s wearing? No. No. Those are all what? Personal question. And you should not ask teacher personal question. Personal question. Very good. Last one. Company blank. Can’t use the y for their blank. Online activity. Company what? Personal. For company personnel. P E R. P E R, S O N E L. Company personnel. Can’t use the wiper for their what? Personal. For their personal what? A lot of activities. Okay. I think we Learned a couple of things today. We Learned a new vocabulary word. Right. And what was that word? Personal. Personal. And we also Learned a little bit of etiquette. And what was that? Etiquette. We Learned not to ask personal questions. Not to ask teacher personal questions. Okay. You learn something new. Yeah. Okay. Good job