Tango Chrome Extension: Transforming Company Training into a 30-Second Guide

watch me turn a one hour company training into a 30 second guide forget about writing step by step instructions just pull up the Tango Chrome extension this is free by the way and start the capture all you need to do is go through your entire workflow as you normally would if you were teaching someone once you’re done hit complete and Tango will automatically create the most beautiful document it will instantly create your training guide heading the sub headings for each step including screenshots and zoom ins and the direct links associated you can go in and edit add more notes lower out sensitive data and if you have 20 of these no problem it can find all the matches and blow the same area across all the steps you can share the workflow via link embedded directly across all these platform or export the map my favourite feature is the guide me feature where it shows your staff exactly where to click and actually follow through so that you can see on your end in the analytics whether your staff have actually done the training if you wanna try this out for free you can download it at Tango dot us