Revisiting Dear Maria: Evolving a Classic Sound with a Modern Twist

So what are you going back and doing differently? Because, you know, Dear Maria sounds the same, but yet it sounds different. I love it. It sounds, like, a bit heavier, and your vocals are a bit grittier. Thank you. I appreciate that. I mean, it. It’s. It, honestly, especially with that song, it. There was an element of, like, threading the needle a little bit that was like, we didn’t want to go so far from the original that it felt like we were doing a disservice to what the original did for everyone. Um, you know, that’s an important song in our catalog and with our fan base, and arguably has had, like, 3, 4 different lives throughout our career. Crazy keeps finding ways to rise back to the top. And so, you know, it was like we needed to not depart so much that it felt like a betrayal to what got us here in the first place. But also, yeah, to your point, just a little bit louder, a little bit more refined, a little bit more dialed in. You know, we’ve played that song a lot. There’s a. There’s some nuances that we’ve developed live during the show that I think, like, have made their way into the new version that just kind of elevate it. And then the other part of it, too, is, like, I think back then when we recorded the songs, we weren’t thinking about, like, can we get these to Sound and feel like we’re at the show. And I think with those early recordings or with those early songs, I mean, it’s important for them to feel like our live show. So there was a. There was an aspect of trying to get that feel in there. The greediness that you mentioned, the. The civility, um, of just making it feel like you’re standing in front of a PA. You know, when you turn them up loud, it feels really good. And I think that that kind of. We. I think we. We beat the old ones there.