Huda Beauty Foundation Update: Addressing Shade Range Issue and Solutions

Okay, my loves, I wanted to get on here really, really quick and, um, just share something, um, some really unfortunate news and something that I’m really embarrassed about, and it’s regarding our easy blur, of course. I’m really excited about this launch. This launch is such a passion project for me. Our previous foundations were really full coverage and very heavy. A lot of people who’ve tried our new foundation have told me this is the first time that they’re able to really use a Huda Beauty Foundation. They’re so excited about it. However, I am really, really sad to share that we have an issue with the shade range. This mistake, of course, could have happened with any shade, but it’s really unfortunate that it happened with a richer shade. I’m gonna show you guys a little bit about the shade, but I just wanna tell you exactly how I came to know about the mistake. Of course, we sent some samples out to a few influencers. One influencer tried it. She said, hey, the richer shade is too rich, and the other shade right before it is. Is a little too red. And so I don’t really have a shade. And I. And I was a little bit surprised more than anything. I was like, this just doesn’t make sense to me. Like, this is really, really strange. I worked on all the shades. We spent over a year at the whole year of 2022 doing the Shade range. My team was equally confused. We all didn’t understand exactly where the issue was coming from. My product development team, they were looking into it, and they started swatching some of the original benches that we were playing with, and then they realized, no, actually, there has been a mistake. It happened December 2022, as I shared with you guys. Went through this big transformation. I went back into the labs to re. Just kind of adjust the formula. It was a beautiful formula, but I wanted it to have a little bit more of a skin finished. Get a little bit more of that blur. I really want to push that blur as far as possible. And so I went back into the labs in 2023. I thought that the submissions for the colors were finished. I didn’t think to review them again, and that’s my mistake. I should have. I should have looked into that when we redid the formula. I should have just rechecked. Like, even if we had double checked, I should have quadruple checked to make sure that the shades were actually submitted correctly. Okay, so I want to show you exactly what I’m talking about. So this is Lava Cake in our full filter collection. You can see it is 5 90R. I’m gonna do a quick little squirt here to show it to you. 5 90R. This is Lava Cake in our easy blur. This also says FIVE NINETYR. This is really droopy. So I’ll just kinda go down. But you can see there is a big discrepancy between the shades. This is. These are not the same shades. I’m gonna show you one last shade. This is a new shade we launched. This is espresso. The gradient should look a little bit more like this, but actually right now it looks like this. So what we actually found was the shade that is written Lava Cake, is actually ganache, which is a shade lighter than that. So the wrong code was submitted. Ganache is a really beautiful shade, but it kind of is similar a little bit to the hot fudge shade. So we had decided to get rid of it cause it’s just a little bit too similar. I’m gonna show you right now. Can see how like some people might find um, a little bit of scrubbiness, but we’re. We’re gonna keep both shades. I would say one is a little bit more neutral and the other one is a little bit more, um, red. It’s supposed to be a shade range like this, but what it ended up being was this not. Okay. So what are we going to do? We are taking back all of the lava cake. We are relabeling that under the name ganache. If for any reason you buy a lava cake, for any reason you get a lava cake. It shouldn’t happen cause I’m. I’ve been speaking to the retailers and I believe that We took back all of them, so it shouldn’t happen. But for any reason, if you see something that says Lava Cake on it, just know that it is not Lava Cake and it is ganache. And the reason for that is because when Lava Cake does hit, we’re going to relabel this. We’re going to rename it as true Lava Cake. We want to make sure there’s no confusion. Lava Cake does not exist in easy blur. Now, true Lava Cake. We are working very, very quickly. We already. This is the actual shade that was supposed to be submitted, and, um, I can show this to you. This is that really beautiful shade, and this is the lava cake right here. So this is full filter, and this is the easy blur. I’m hoping we can fix as much as possible for the launch, but I did just want to be honest with you guys and transparent where the situation is. So if you go to the store and you buy espresso and it’s a little too rich, and if you buy, um, ganache, it’s a little too light, little too red. Um, I’m gonna give you guys the details down below of where you can email, and we will personally send you. We will. I will make sure of it. Send you a piece of the true lava cake. Absolutely free, of course, and I hope that it matches your. Your skin tone as well as possible. I’ll keep you guys posted all along the way. And also let us know anything you guys were thinking about the foundation. Keep me posted. Tell me everything that you guys feel along the way. I’m here to listen.