Turning Point at Minnesota: Sparking Offense and Saving Franklin’s Job

During that Big Ten championship season, was there a moment you can think back to where it started to click a little bit, where you’re like, man, we’re gonna be pretty darn good on offense now. I think we’re two and two maybe heading into the. Into the Minnesota game. That’s right. And it was not good. Michigan had just blown our doors off. And at halftime, I think we were down and the boo birds were out. For Coach Franklin and. And probably for the offense as well. And Herb Charles kind of. Touchdown pass and broke it. And then went into overtime after a great two minute drill, Shaquille split that run to win it. And then kind of there it kind of, I will say, took a life of its own. That Minnesota game was interesting cause I had Coach Franklin on this show last year and he talked about how leave at halftime of Minnesota, the chance of fire Franklin will ring around the stadium. I’m like, how much different things would have been if you wouldn’t have won that Minnesota? Like my contract at Fordham, like, I think it expired this year and I’m like, oh man. Yeah, I’m a Homer. I’m like, oh, hopefully I didn’t get myself into something I can’t handle here. But yeah, worked out well. Yeah.