Avuncular Charm: Getting Caught in a Storm and the Political Musings Under the Awnings

this is maybe the fourth or fifth time that I’ve got that I got caught in a major rainstorm thunderstorm while I’m out on my walk damn it I decided to just instead of breathing it and just getting drenched soaked through you hear that I decided to just come under this awning here by this community center not pleased so let’s talk words since I’m waiting for the storm to pass it’s about to get political warning I think a lot of us got to know and really like Gov. Tim Walz after the DNC I mean there were smatterings of talked about him being a good guy and I think as a nation we got to see that on display at the DNC especially with his family and his vice president nomination acceptance speech and it’s it’s something that a word came to mind when I was thinking about him and that word is avuncular avuncular is an adjective and it comes from the Latin noun avunculus which means maternal uncle but these days it does not have to be necessarily an uncle from the mother side of the family that these days it doesn’t have to be someone who’s an uncle at all it’s more about a behavior avuncular today is someone who is jovial someone who shows kindness the closest thing to the female version of avuncular is maternal and everyone that went up there to speak about Governor Waltz or speak you know about their experience with him just made you adore him he just seems like a good natured good hearted family man who’s like your your favorite uncle now you have a new word when you’re talking about Governor Tim Walz favorably you could talk about his avuncular charm