The Rollercoaster of Success and Failure: Insights from Professional Actors

Very humble. Yeah. You guys, do you guys both realize you’re really good actors? Thanks, man. Yeah, thanks. I don’t know, I. I feel like maybe this is why it’s good that we don’t have like a ton of success. Cause I’d be just walking around being like, yeah, I’m just gonna make another hit. It’s not gonna be a big deal. Like, whatever. That’s by the way, that you, like. You can’t think that way on in the mood because it’s like, that’s like. That’s like poison. Like, if you think this is gonna be a hit, it’s not. Like, the one time I was like, this is gonna be a hit was that movie The Great Wall that I did. Ah, man, was that not a hit? And. And it was like. And I feel I figured it out like a month into shooting and we had like four months to go, and I was just like. I came to realize that as the definition of a professional actor. Yeah, it’s true. Yeah. Still get up every day and be like, and you’re on a ship that, you know, isn’t seaworthy, and you’re like, I’m gonna do everything that’s asked of me, I’m gonna do. I’m gonna work my ass off today for 14 hours. Like that. The. You know, that’s a. That’s a. That’s a feeling that I don’t wanna. I, I had the. I had that experience of being in the one that was like, just Didn’t land the great wall on the same movie. That also was my, like, this is the thing I’ve always waited for, which was the assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. That Brad Pitt was in. It was like a studio movie with Brad Pitt. I was the lead. It was the one of the most beautiful scripts I’ve ever read with a great director. And it was. And then it. It came out and nobody liked it. And it was like, uh. Just felt like the biggest disappointment for a minute. And I thought, I love this movie. What do I care, right? Does no one, like, you have to divorce yourself from those responses. And then ten years later, it was like, you know, people really love that movie just for whatever reason. Like, it’s not in the moment. It wasn’t in the moment. It was bad timing. And then people found it. And so those kinds of UPS and downs, like, you have to just roll. Roll with all of them if you wanna keep working.