Unveiling the Secrets of Michael Jackson’s In the Closet Music Video

Did y’all know some of these facts about Michael Jackson’s in the closet video? Okay, so Michael Jackson never seemed too interested in girls, which made his fans question his sexuality. This song was made to answer those questions, as it’s about a heterosexual relationship that must be kept a secret. It is odd that the name of the song is called in the closet, though. On top of this, Madonna was supposed to play the leading lady in the music video, but according to Babyface, she had way too many demands, and Michael cut her loose from the shoot. So then Michael made a quick switch to Naomi Campbell, and she initially turned it down because she was way too busy being a supermodel in Paris. Jackson then responded to her and said, well, I’ll pay out the fashion shows, and you come and do the video, and the rest is history.