Guyana’s Economic Predicament: A Call for Insight from Developed World Leaders

Find a world leader who can explain what’s happening in Guyana, not one from Africa or Asia, but one from the developed world. Ever since independence in 1966, Guyana has been living on borrowed money, managing its affairs from loans year after year. And it’s only getting worse, even with all the massive resources we have in this country. Now, let’s rewind a bit. In 2019, Guyana borrowed a significant portion of its 1.5 billion budget. The following year, in 2020, the same thing happened with its 1.6 billion budget. By 20 twentyone, the borrowing increased for its 1.9 billion budget. Then in 2022, the budget ballooned to 2.7 billion. And again, a big chunk of that was borrowed. Fast forward in 2023, the budget hit 3.9 billion. I don’t even have words to describe that. Now, in 2024, it’s laughable, but not in a good way. Your leaders borrowed nearly half of the 5.1 billion budget to run this country. I specifically give you the numbers from 2019 because that was the year Guyana started pumping oil. Let’s don’t talk about a goal. The diamonds, the Bauxite, the manganese, the timber and other minerals that is being carted off by the foreigners in boat and plain loads monthly, eh? Eh? I am leaving that out. In 2019, Guyana began pumping oil. At present, in 2024, we are producing nearly three quarter million barrels a day in a country with three quarter million people. Yet despite all these resources, our leaders are borrowing half of the Country’s budget to feed, house and clothe its people in 2024, using that money to build a few bridges, roads, health centers from stations, hospitals and so on here and there. Hmm, a harbour bridge and a couple two lane roads that they call in highways and boasting about progress and development in this mineral and oil rich country called Guyana. How can anyone boast about achievements from loans on its people’s back? America, Europe, Canada, England, you guys help me to understand this please. Now let’s wait, watch and see how much they will borrow in 2025 to further sink Guyana deeper into debts and destruction while boasting about their achievements and development. Guys, we all know that 99% of the politicians around the world have their hands in the cookie jar stealing from the Treasury in one way or another. But when politicians in a mineral and oil rich country are borrowing to steal and boasting about their so called achievements, it’s not just about losing money and a country anymore, it’s about mortgaging our future. A future that generations to come will never be able to pay off. What will become of them fudge man. Year after year, governments after governments keep on borrowing while they sit silent watching how these multinationals fetching out our, the nation’s resources in the US billions. Is Guyana fieldstapled or is it heading there? Let me know in the comments section and don’t worry them coming for your finger next year. Push it in the right place for them.