Mastering External Lighting Techniques for Photographers

Here are two ways to use external lighting. As a photographer, these two lighting techniques are going to be very simple and very basic, because while I’m shooting, the last thing I want to be worrying about is lighting. The first technique for lighting is using a flash. Here I have the Go Pro V1 Pro. You can just pop this flash right on your camera, and you can choose to point the flash directly forward, or you can bounce it off of the ceiling. The new Go Pro V1 Pro has a fill flash at the front of the flash. So this is lighting option No. 1. Option No. 2, if you’re shooting indoors or in a studio, is using a light stand. I always prefer to add a soft box to my lights. I find that this very beautifully diffuses the light throughout the room. This option is best if you need a shoot inside and if you have time to prep. These lights are perfect. If you want to diffuse the light even more, you can point this straight at the ceiling.