Embracing Impermanence: A Reminder to Be Kind to Yourself

This marker is marketed as a permanent marker, but it’s not permanent. It’s not yet. I know some of you are sitting there right now judging yourself going, ah, Vin, when I talk, I’m not charismatic. Ah, Vin, when I talk and I try to be charismatic. It’s just weird. Oh, Vin, I’m so shy. I’m so reserved. Oh, damn it, Vin, I’m so monotone. Very difficult to be a monotone, trust me, to be a part of that club. Very, very rare. Okay. You have all these judgments you make about yourself, but every single judgment you make about yourself is temporary. It’s temporary. Please be absolutely kind to yourself. Stop making those judgements. When you hear those thoughts coming, just go, hey, I get it. That’s me in the present. Doesn’t have to be the future me. It’s not permanent.