On Air Adventures: My Experience on National Radio with Sonia and Joakim

Oh, my god. I was live on national radio and this was how it happened. Last week I received an invitation from 98 7 producer to join Sonia and Joakim live on air. Even though I felt very honoured, it took me some time to accept the invitation because I was very scared. I mean, it’s live national radio. Leh. So fast forward this morning, I got ready at 7:45 cause I had to reach at 8:45. But oh, my gosh, the traffic today was so bad. Ended up, I was running so, so late. So I ended up reaching Mediacorp at about 9:10. The producer and I quickly hurried through the security clearance and the next thing I knew, I was in 9, 8, 7 studio and the very next thing I knew, I was live on air. I wonder if we saw a fortune teller now, would they say our Zodiac, you know, Sonia and Joakim. Ah, I think special shout out to Sonia and Joakim because they were so nice. The vibe was good and they made me felt really comfortable just talking live on national radio. I had so much fun and I’m glad I had this opportunity to be part of a radio program. Lastly, can we just take a moment to appreciate this cute little carton of water from Mediacorp?