Unlocking Your Creativity: Breaking the Rules in Photography and Videography

See here the mistake most of you make as a photographer and videographer, especially the aspiring videographers or the upcoming photographers and videographers the mistake you make is following protocol most of you learnt from YouTube, most of you learnt from someone most of you are following the basics of um photography and you don’t want to break out of the basics because you feel oh this settings I’m using is the settings I’m meant to shoot on and once I’m going out of this settings I’m doing it wrong that’s the mistake most of you all make I feel for you to find your style for you to find what works for you you need to sometimes experiment with your camera take out your camera some days go out, call your friends, shoot something, shoot a short film, name it something, use a different setting outside the setting you learnt from YouTube, outside the setting other photographers told you is the setting you’re meant to be using to shoot half of the time I experiment with my camera, I play around with my camera, I see a setting that I’ve never touched on my camera and I’ll be like hmm, what does this setting do? Let me use it today too do an experiment in my studio let me know what’s this setting actually does the whole point of making this video is experiment, break the rules nobody said you can’t break the rules in photography it’s not a Must that what you learnt from YouTube or what you learnt from your master or what you learnt from wherever where you learnt it is right. Okay. So for you to learn, for you to grow, for you to find your style, I feel we should be breaking the rules. I break the rules a lot. I don’t follow the photo, the photograph. Yes, I, I use the standard settings for photography and everything. But most times I break the rules. I want to like go outside, outside these rules that they say that is used for photography and videography. I want to explore my settings myself. I want to do what to do my own stuff and see how it turns out.