Carne Asada Review: A Decent Choice for the Cookout

I brought my carne asada with baked Mac and cheese and mashed potatoes. Some got some sides on it, but it looks like they didn’t put no love into it. It’s just thrown on the plate. Looks like it definitely has some seasoning to it. I’m gonna get into it and see how it tastes. We’ll slice it open real quick. Oh, it’s tough. This is hard. I would give this one, like, a medium well. Hmm. Hmm. I would definitely have at least one plate of this at the cookout. I wouldn’t go back for seconds, though. I wouldn’t go back for a sec. I wouldn’t go back for first, but I definitely wouldn’t go back for a second. I could give it a. A six, a flat six. It wasn’t bad. Like I said, I don’t feel like it was for the correct moment. I would probably give it, like, a. A nice seven. So you can stand to be a bit more juicy, a bit more tender. I would rate this a six out of ten.