Disrupting Hollywood: A Screenwriter’s Revelation of Legacy vs Indie

what’s your endgame I’m assuming you don’t give away all your knowledge for free when do you have enough money fucking nosy but you know what I’ll answer anyway you know why because I think I’m falling in love with you in case you haven’t read the newspapers and you can be forgiven for that because there are no newspapers anymore Hollywood is imploding there are far fewer shows and movies being made lot of his just remakes of sequels of prequels of reboots you know and it’s terrible I hate it as much as you do and there’s a lot of layoffs mass layoffs why what’s going on sorry I had to take a break because I’m sending you a dozen roses so what’s going on with Hollywood you know not too long ago Hollywood was extremely profitable then someone came along and decided to disrupt the industry what does that mean what’s the definition well disrupting the industry means to come along destroy it make a boatload of money in the process then wipe your hands and walk away from the whole thing as if you had nothing to do with it so why would they do this well actually a handful of enormously rich people decided that they wanted to be grotesquely rich and that’s what they did they destroyed the industry now to be clear I’m not one of them I just missed the cutoff damn it how do we know I’m not lying well if I was I wouldn’t be on here bad mouthing them no no no I’d be on here defending them we had to the industry was evolving we had no choice eh sit down and shut up asshole you’re the industry and on top of streaming there are creators like me on platforms like this drawing eyeballs away from legacy Hollywood so what’s the future I don’t have a crystal ball really then what’s that rattling when you do jumping jacks so what’s my plan well hah met the pet and I apologize for not saying your name right but I I promise I’ll get it right when I recite our vows so I do two things I go on here every day and I make post to try to make people like you fall in love with me it’s not working and the second thing I do is I try to share my knowledge of writing to try to convince you that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to writing so that when I put out something that’s written you’ll think huh I like this guy I like the way he writes even though you haven’t read me maybe I’ll give him a chance and buy some of his work hmm and so I have a book and an audiobook which I wrote perform and produced as a professional screenwriter I did it myself as an indie I cut out all those legacy studios to give you something that’s fresh and original not the same old boring regurgitated crap that they give you on the streamers and I know it you don’t like it either we neither of us like it and you’re like yeah but it’s your audiobook’s 20 bucks yeah it is it’s 20 bucks it’s about and it depends on the platforms on some platforms you can get it for free but yes about 10 hours it’s it’s it’s almost ten hours long so it’d be like watching of your favourite series on any one of these streamers and that’s what you’re getting when you sign up for a streamer you’re lucky if you get one good TV show you know that and when the show is over you cancel your subscription that’s called churn and you find you jump to somewhere else so instead of paying those legacy you know this the legacy Hollywood which by the way fight is firing everyone including the executives who make it there’s mass layoffs everyday the only people who aren’t getting fired are the CEOs who are who are getting fabulously rich off this because their income is tied to the stock price and not tied to profit why is that because they’re shrewd that’s why they’re so shrewd see how I kiss their ass in the next sentence so screw those guys screw that support independent you know producers like me get something that’s actually good and listen to it but I don’t like listening to things yeah listen to it in the car you gotta commute listen to why you work out why you clean dishes and support independent people like me uh instead of those jerks now and you said yeah but it’s 20 bucks but here’s the thing I don’t you know I don’t get all that money I don’t even get I don’t even get a fraction of it most of that money goes into those those legacy he’s the CEOs that I hate so much there’s not much I can do about that not much but that’s phase two that’s phase two of my plan uh that’s coming up but for phase one yeah come on out enjoy help thank you for supporting me go get a paper orchestra you can go over here and pick it up it’s a wonderful audiobook and it’s professionals done by people no it’s not done by it’s not done by people like me it’s done by it’s done by me that’s my that’s my plan that is my endgame