Adapting to Changing Financial Realities: Navigating the Housing Market Over Time

you need to go back and check your math cause somebody’s feeding you a line of bull crap in 1982 interest rates were 17% fixed I was 22 years old I was less able to afford a house in that interest rate environment based on my income than you are now look at the math okay so that’s the actual facts the truth is is that you’re analyzing this when you ask a question like this based on a snapshot in time and life is not a snapshot life is a film strip About 100% of the next years in your life will be different than the this years in your life all of them so you can count on one thing in the future and that’s change so if today you’re boxed out of the housing market based on your income to housing price ratios that does not mean you will be tomorrow that does not mean it’s a permanent thing this is not a financial tattoo it’s a moment in time it’s gonna be a film strip and the story is gonna change as the film goes along my story changed as my film went along you’re gonna make more you’re gonna make less you’re gonna live in a different area you’re gonna find a way to get into the housing market every generation has this is not a new problem but it is a problem today it’s a moment in time though it may be that for this year you are boxed out but so what we gotta do we have to change some of the variables we change our income we change our our decision on where we’re gonna live the type of property we’re gonna buy and we we move the variables around to be able to get into the housing market and then ride the wave up don’t stand on the sideline and cry victim and then go why just you know I have to rent the rest of my life that’s just gonna make you a poor person don’t do that figure out a way to do this it’s a snapshot it’s a moment in time over time you’re gonna be okay