Exploring the Limitations of Future-Proofing: A Look at Date Settings on the R5 Mark 2 Camera

I am currently setting up my R5 Mark 2 and I noticed something interesting so this is the screen that you see when you first turn it on so obviously you need to set the date and because it’s 2024 I’m gonna tell it you know set it to 2024 but let’s say you were buying this camera in next year or in 10 years from now or you’re using it as a used camera many years into the future so obviously you’re gonna wanna change the date right so you would go in here and and you know let’s say it is 2060 oh wait hold on what 20 20 2050 is the maximum date you can put in that is only 26 years in the future and when you think about the fact that cameras like the a E1 are like what 50 years old at this point are we just assuming that 20 years from now no one is gonna wanna use these shiny digital mirrorless cameras or is camera tech just gonna be so good that this is gonna seem like a piece of ancient history?