Building Stronger Bonds: The Journey of Creating a Sisterhood through Shared Dreams and Teamwork

What does it mean to you to have created the sisterhood and this bond together? I feel like the whole sisterhood that we have is something that we built throughout our whole training process together. And down the line of our journey, it just got stronger and stronger. And even like now we made it to the group. I feel like that’s really what ties us together. And a lot of that, a lot of what ties us together too is that shared dream that we have. So it’s like, it’s just something that we are having so much fun doing, like singing and dancing together. Like it’s, it’s hard like not to group for each other, like be there for each other for this because it’s literally like we become fans of each other. It just being real, like it was not easy. Like we had to put in a lot of work and prioritize like communicating with each other and, you know, like really work on our relationship. But I feel like it’s something that is super, super important to all of us. Like we’re also different. We’re six girls. So we really focus on our teamwork and working together. And yeah, it’s just, it’s very important to us.