Tools and Tech for Small Business Success: A CEO’s Guide to Productivity and Efficiency

Some of you on here don’t know that I own my own company. And well, having a small business has its UPS and downs. You have to be the C E O, employee, and intern all at once. But luckily there are some tools to make it just a bit easier. I can use my latitude 73 50 detachable as a detachable or is a laptop? The Windows Studio effects features allow me to blur out my background in case it’s messy behind me or I just don’t want people to know where I am. Plus, if I need a bigger screen, I can connect it directly to my Dell Ultra Sharp 27 Thunderbolt hub monitor. And this doubles my productivity if I want to look at any product photos up close. You just connect using the quick access ports. And I’m not a tech wiz, but even I can figure that out. And I can make any angle work. Work smarter, not harder.