Scramble Edition Shenanigans: A Golf Adventure with Hank, Mike, and the Unbelievable Kid

Grossss at driving dude alright guys play a part 5 with us three man scramble edition we’re gonna put this thing 450 yard I thought about it going yard with this thing if you guys don’t mind okay not that oh my gosh dude let’s go baby no that wasn’t a good drive alright we’re 90 yards away 312 yard drive from Hank let’s see if he can split his house and sit on this one it’s a proper chip latte that’s not a bad shot baby that’s a proper fucking hack alright put your ball in here sorry sorry I don’t even know what I’m using doesn’t fucking matter just hit it just swing the fucking club hit the wall 20 bucks I put this on your yes sure yeah if you don’t hit it you give me what 20 yep no holy guacamole oh my alright what green were you did we specify what green proper side eye wedge let’s go that sounded nice right down to the parking lot go you know how much the pin weighs any idea how much the pin weighs this is I know the follow of this is something if I already I’ve heard this shit you guys know what how much does it weigh what you know how much it weigh if you took it out for once yeah oh who put the force field right yeah yeah you would have got roasted on the comms you would have gotten flamed in the meds oh dude yeah step all over Mike’s line I don’t give a shit about Mike’s line oh my gosh this kid’s unbelievable you’re walking home tonight yo go grab a side of the bottom of the cup Yo goat you gonna grab something alright we got a birdie alright that was it alright was it yeah okay alright I didn’t even look at the camera do you have a problem with that