Analyzing the Marco Bardalati Doping Case: A Comparison and Discussion

Sinner. You. You spoke out early and strongly in support of him. Well, listen, there’s a. There’s a little known Italian player named Marco Bardalati who went through the exact same thing through two months ago. So what we’re talking about with this, uh. So there was precedent. Yeah, there’s precedent. The most recent precedent with the similar circumstances, with the same, uh, steroid. Um, they found no fault, no negligence. And that’s just the way it goes. People are talking about it’s unfair. It would have been unfair had he gotten a different ruling than someone who is 350 in the world and, you know, 110 in the world, uh, in doubles. So I don’t think that he would put everything at risk for something that didn’t benefit him. You know, it was one billionth of a gram or something like that. Uh, he’s either the dumbest person on earth or we should believe him on. On merits.