Acts of Kindness at Walmart: A Call for Respect and Compassion Towards Elderly Shoppers

Yeah, tell me how. I’m at Walmart, right? And I’m just minding my business on the aisle getting something, and I just hear an elderly lady and a Walmart associate going back and forth. So the lady was trying to get something off the top shelf. You can tell the lady is elderly. She every bit of like 70 something years old, and she’s struggling to get something off the top shelf. And then you hit a Walmart associate, say, hey, you can’t do that. Before I knew it, I said, okay, so do it for her, cause what the fuck you mean? Like, clearly she needs help, so why not help her? She literally just said, hey, you can’t do that, and walked away off the aisle. You gonna tell her she can’t do something but not try to actually help her? Before I knew it, I just literally snap. And then she just looking at me crazy like she don’t speak English. Did you just spoke English clear enough to tell that lady she can’t do that? So here go my 5 2 ass done got on top of the people little shelves trying to get the thing. It’s literally a soap. It’s a special scented soap that she wanted, and it was all the way at the top. Yeah, I already know how ugly the people is, and I got a grandma, so I wouldn’t want nobody to treat my grandma like that. So I’m sitting here Trying to get it for her, but it was. I couldn’t lie. Yeah, I couldn’t get it cause I just pushed it further back. So then I stood on the, um, cart to get it for her. But it’s just a point. Like, why? Why, where? What happened to the respect for elders? That jump really, really piss me off. So when she was standing there, I wasn’t able to get it. But when she left, I had actually climbed on my car and got the soap she needed. So now I’m walking around Walmart to see if I bump into her again so I can get her this soap. Cause it’s gonna bother me all day if this lady don’t get this soap she wanted. I have found her, y’all, but she is already checked out of the register, so she ain’t get her food. But y’all need to do better when it comes to the elderly people and in general. Like, why. Why is you at work with such a bad attitude?