Uncovering the Truth: My Experience with False Accusations and Online Deception

Y’all, I. I don’t even know what to say, but I’m gonna try my best to. To. To say this because I just feel like it just needs to be heard. Like, good Lord. So yesterday, I was in my filtered, like, comment section, and I was wondering, why in the world was there an uptick and, like, political comments in the. Filtered. And they would be filtered because the word politic, policies, politicians, the last president, the current president, those have all been filtered out of my comment section since I started this account. Because I don’t want anything to do with politics. I ain’t never, ever got on here and even spoke about them and, like, at all. Like, I never will. And I thought. And I. I approved one of them, and I said, what in the world are you talking about? Because they were. They were asking me what was I doing and. And at. At some D H C. Thing and why. And I’m like, I’m not. I’m in Mobile, Alabama. What the hell is that? Anyway, this morning, I’ve got, like, an uptick of phone calls and text me. And then we found out what it was. Had us all thinking, like, somebody done hacked my IG. No, nobody hacked my book fight. No, my IG is connected to my book face, and my book face is connected to my IG. So whatever I post on one of them, it goes on the other. Unless I have a specific, like, campaign that is just want my IG, which is fine, and. Wait, that’s besides the damn point. Hold on. Apparently, some wild person creates an entire story that did not happen. And the story was that I had posted something hateful and political on my IG and then deleted it Saturday. No, I didn’t, but they had, like, my whole little team thinking that somebody done hacked in it. No, we look through the deleted files, the archive files. Nothing had been archived since September of 2022. And it was some, uh, NASCAR saying that I was doing something, uh, no hate campaign or something. And nothing else had been deleted except for a double post. Like, it was a video that had been. It posted twice. So you gotta. You gotta delete one of them. It’s like, why do that? Like, is it because some for somebody just wants me to be a bad person? That bad that you can’t find nothing, so you. Yet you gotta go and you just make up something? I would never do that to somebody. I would never do that to somebody. Like, I’m literally being attacked for something I didn’t do, I never thought about doing. I didn’t say I didn’t, like nothing. Like, do. Do people’s actions mean anything now? Does anybody? Like, like, I’ve told y’all. Oh, man, I told y’all so many times before. I have said, when it comes to places like This you, man. You cannot believe anything somebody says unless you see it and hear it for yourself. And like, I’m being attacked because people literally believe that I would. First of all, I wouldn’t do anything mean and hateful unless I’m. Unless you piss me off, maybe. And I’m sticking up for myself, I don’t know. But that’s not even my character. It’s not even my character. Oh, Lord, have mercy. Look, my platform is built off of love and laughter. That’s it. And when I created this account, I created this account. Be a watcher like everybody else. Until I stitch somebody’s video one day and I lifted them up and I read the comment section and it meant the world to me. And I thought, that’s what I’ll do. I’ll use my platform to do just that. And I’ve did it ever since. But if y’all don’t know by now that I am not a full blown target. A full blown target for people to lie on and grow their accounts and get views. And like, I seen one of them barely had any followers, but they had 40,000 views on a video that they’re repeating this cause they believed it. I’m a target for that. And so was a lot of other people. I am not the only one. Okay? I just ignore things, I really do. But this one was like this. A full blown. Like I. That most of them are lies. Hell, I’ve Never come across the truth. That was bad. That was about me. Like, except for that time that I. That. What was it? Hold on. Oh, I blocked her because she called my husband short and dead. I know my husband short. He knows he’s short. I’m just the same height. You don’t need to repeat that tonight. Yes, I did block you. And I block anybody that is being. That’s mean and hateful, bullying me or somebody else. And half the time, if you try to bully me, I don’t even see it because Alyssa is so dag gone fast, she will block you out of love and Protection for me, and I don’t even get to see you. So it’s funny. You go about your day thinking that you hurt my feelings or piss me off, I didn’t even see you. Anyway, I know this was a long video, but I, I, I don’t care. Like. Like, I don’t. I don’t care what you do with your life, what your job is, what you. You know, how many kids you have. I don’t care how many times you’ve been married. I don’t care if you’re a damn swinger, a Christian. I don’t care. I would never care. Okay, so the fact that P. Like that. That lies. Not even believable. You could have said something like, um, I don’t know. Mama Tai has a secret. Love to hell. Somebody already made that lie. Don’t do that. One. You get what I’m saying? Moral to my story is I didn’t do what they say. And even if I would have accidentally, like, posted, like, a. Like, a butt shot or something, I literally would have made a TikTok about it and been like, y’all not gonna believe what happened to me, because, like, funny things happen to me. And I would have apologized that you saw my tush, but I would have laughed about it because things happen, and I’m human. So I don’t know, but I didn’t do that. And it’s not very fair to lie like that. And I don’t know if I did something to this person. I don’t even know them. But if I did, I’m sorry, honey. I don’t. I don’t know why you made the laugh. I don’t know. But I hope you have a good day. And I don’t know, maybe you got the laughs. I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter. Bottom line is that I didn’t do anything like that. Um, so. I don’t know. Have a good day, y’all.