Exploring Misunderstandings and Odd Timing: A Conversation About Love and Labels

Cause conversation is a two way street. I say something that leads you to say something peripherally related. That’s not what happened that day. Cause I said. You just said, I love women. Okay, that was oddly timed. That’s wonderful for you. I noticed you used plural. What did you think of that, miss? Is it because I said that? Like conversation supposed to be perfectly related? Or was that just the moment where you were just like, I love women, I need to tell the world? No. Good for you for loving women. Was there a moment that you thought I was calling you homosexual during that joke? If you are, I don’t have a problem with it. But that’s something we can discuss after the show. Was there a moment where I was like, and then this happened with the flood tank. He’s like, he thinks I’m gay. I gotta tell him. I gotta tell him.