Unexpected Success: A Thanksgiving Journey in Trying New Recipes

Hey, y’all, this is Miss Pat and I’m back at trying to get my Thanksgiving dinner together, cause as you know, I can’t cook. But this year I decided to follow people who could cook recipes. So by following these recipes, I hope I can impress my family. Y’all be quiet, I’m recording. Damn kids. Oh, shout out to the young lady from Providence who made me this shirt. So I decided to wear it today. It was a fan in Providence, Roll Island, when I just played there, and she made me this shirt. So shout out to you and I thank you. This recipe is by a young lady named teeny. A recipe went viral on TikTok, so it came across my page and I was like, well, they should get this many views. Why don’t I try? Cause I’m looking for a macaroni and cheese recipe for my Thanksgiving dinner. So come watch me. I just put the noodles off. Noodles is cooking, which I think they’re about done. I’m gonna give them about a couple more minutes. I ain’t never used a noodle before, but I thought it was very interesting for macaroni and cheese. I’mma watch some of the starts off of it, but that’s just what I do cause I’m old school. You will see my kids in and out of this video because we clean. She decided to move the spoon or whoever. Are you slamming things? I’m not slamming anything. Do you Ask out too. Alright, so let me go back to TikTok. So let me shred my cheese. Let me turn this shit off. Let me shred my cheese. Oh, I have a shredder. Some fancy shit my husband bought me that I do not use and it smells like onions. Let me see if this gonna work this way or should I just go back to old school? Oh, hell no. This gonna take all day. I’m gonna go on over here with the old school shredder. Fancy for me. I make all right macaroni and cheese, but I know about putting all this different stuff in and she telling me to eat it. But we’ll see. You ready, Yolanda? My hands go off to anybody who loves to cook. Alright, you see that? You see that? You see that? So in a pan, she said, three tablespoons of butter. I’m gonna turn my eye on here and I’m gonna give her three tablespoons of butter. Now I’m gonna turn this down low because I personally don’t wanna burn nothing. So one, 2, 3, and I’m gonna do a little bit extra just for me being extra. I hate being on my pot. Alright, that’s a three tablespoon of butter is melting down. Alright, look like I don’t do it. All of this. So I’m gonna pour one thing of Carnation evaporated milk. She said, come on, shake it good. Oh, shit. Putting shit everywhere. I have never in my. Life made macaroni and cheese like this. But who knows? So let me let it melt some. It’s gonna get it more cheesy for me. I might have overcooked a little bit. I can always add to it tomorrow. It really wasn’t that hard like I thought it was gonna be with a cheese sauce cause I never made a cheese sauce before. Here’s my macaroni and cheese by Timmy. Alright, you wanna go slide that in there? Set the timer for 30 minutes. Whoa. Gonna pull it out. If you got a good oven recipe on how to clean the oven, go on my inbox. Here’s the macaroni and cheese. Turn it off for a moment. So I’m gonna let it sit there and do its thing for about 10, 15 minutes. Then I’m gonna come back and taste it and let y’all know what I think. This is my first macaroni and cheese recipe. I’mma try to try at least two recipes of each item and pick the one. That collard green recipe by khadeejah was so damn good. I don’t think I’m gonna try alone, but let’s see what this. Let’s put this macaroni cheese do once. It’s called it. And mine is even like nice on top. Like she had it. See? Just do. I’m impressed. So let it cool down and we’ll be back to taste it. Good. Hmm. This is really good. Thank you, Tina. Good ass macaroni cheese. Delicious. You mean tell me All this time I’ve been saying I couldn’t cook. All I had to do is try a fucking recipe. That’s all you had to do? Ha ha ha ha ha! That’s all I had to do was try a recipe. Delicious.