Sacred 6: Beauty, Health, and Wellness Secrets Revealed in My Solo EP

Welcome to beautiful inside. So this is my first official solo EP. It’s what I’m calling the Sacred 6. And I’m trying to do them as my sixth episode every season where I bring you the latest protocols, products, practices that I’m using to look and feel and perform better. I ask my guests every episode as well for their sacred 6, and it’s been really interesting hearing some of the answers. So today I’ve got, I’ll tell you what my six are before I begin. So I’ve got hypnotherapy, the diet, specifically, mostly the Mediterranean diet, heat supplements, LED and longevity protocols. So I’m gonna cover all of those things. We also have a really exciting subscriber giveaway thanks to our beautiful sponsors, Synergy Skin and synternals. So stay tuned for more information about that at the end of the app.