The Grape and Olive Lesson: Trust, Surprises, and Life at Olive Garden

So before I quit my job serving tables at Olive Garden to make stuff like this for people, hang on one sec. I just want you to know that these are the type of videos that I like to make. Clever little story with a good payoff at the end. But it’s usually the stupid little things that do well and these get swept under the rug and that’s too bad. And it’s the world. I know, but, uh, and also I need a haircut. Okay. Okay, here it is. I had this move. I would stand at the back of the restaurant called the alley where the servers pull the food out of the window, put the bills up into that thing that inspired this thing we make, and I’d have one hand full of grapes and in the other a secret olive. I’d casually eat the grapes and offer them to my friends. I’d build their trust by tossing them a grape. And when they were used to juicy, sweet explosions, I’d toss them an olive. When your brain is expecting a grape, an olive is the worst food in the world. This is life. You get grapes all the time. You build trust until life tosses you an olive. And sometimes you don’t notice until you bite into it and then life just says, what? This is an Olive Garden.