Makeup Removal and Skincare Routine: Preparing for a Hike

So I just filmed a transition video with this makeup look, and I don’t want to take it off, but I’m about to go on a hike. I don’t know about wearing this on my hike, so, sadly, we’re going to remove her. I’m literally wearing so much foundation on my skin right now. Look at my wake up. Way to get the gems off. I kind of just, like, pinch them off. The inner corner part is gonna be the hardest. Just gonna take my nail and scrape everything this way. I’m gonna have to remove my eyelash for this. I decided that the makeup wipe is probably the best to remove this. Yep. Look, that worked. I’m gonna keep my eyebrows on so I can wear them on the hike. New makeup wipe. Look at all my freckles underneath the foundation. That’s crazy. Let me do the other eye really quick. And she’s done. Then I just use a moisturizer, and then I’m good for my hike. I have super dry skin, so doing makeup like that all the time and taking it on and off, on and off, I always make sure to moisturize my face and my head after taking off my makeup. I’m using the Mirad Repair cream. Okay, that’s it. Love you, guys.