Adventures in Past Tense: Classroom Chaos and Pop Quiz Preparations

Okay, that is for today’s class on past tense. Where the heck is smart again? Sunburn. Key sunburn.

No, he suspect that his dog is sad, but I.

Have to say that luckily we are not filming a video series. Imagine the burden he brings to the writer, the crew, the co actor due to his absence. But thank goodness we’re just a Mandarin class. Anyway, class, we need to talk. So all of you know that this class is being rated by a vicious inspector, Mister Tan. and last week he couldnt finish his pop quiz all thanks to washan qis quick sinking on her feet thank you,but。 That’s not how you use air codes anyway. I cannot allow a bad rating happening to this class. So I have prepared a series of exercises which I believe will appear in his pop quiz. So you guys better finish all of this by this week. Yeah. Now.

Remind me of the 10. Iya sih saya stress nih. Kayaknya sih bisa messi sebagai donk new mercy. Thank you friend and messi is good player i pod viva Ronaldo bahaya semasih kayaknya sih bisa.

That is for the very first time, I do not know the answer to something. Allow me.

Lingling, a 10 year series, the term used in Singapore in particular by students to refer to an official compilation book of past year examination papers for the GCE and Level O level and a level examinations approved by the Singapore Examinations Assessment Board and also the university of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate.

Thank you, Dasa. You remind me of somebody who’s incredibly smart and knowledgeable. Anyway, I got a buzz. I’m going to a fun event. Woo. I love events. Can I come along?