Remembering a Giant Amongst Men: A Tribute to an Iconic Leader and Friend

We played several events together past that. Uh, man, it was. It was a good match. Our crews got along, our bands got along. And you know, Toby, that. That crew in that camp as a whole. What, you saw them something. There’s. There’s guys that have been there for 20, 30 years. And not just one or two, you know, you had a crew full of those guys that have been there with. Absolutely. You don’t see that. Um. And you can also tell that it was LED from the top. And the more you got to know him, the more all of it made sense. The more everything around him made sense. Uh, he’s just. Those are just a set of boots that won’t ever be filled. He was a giant amongst men in so many ways. And yeah, it was an honor of mine to know him, let alone call him a friend, you know? How do you like me now? Yeah, me and Hardy gonna get up and rock a little bit. You and Hardy? Yeah. That’s gonna be awesome. Yeah. You know, I hope a lot of these. These younger artists are paying attention. Um, and I, I think tonight, I hope this isn’t the last time that we pay tribute to this man. Um, just Toby, to me, showed everybody that it was alright to do you and to do it unapologetically, but to do that, you had to be a person of substance. You had to be somebody worth following. And, uh, man, I mean, there was nobody better at that. You know, I can’t say that there was anything that Toby stood behind that I couldn’t get behind.