Embracing Self-Validation: A Reflection on Perspective and Expectations in Pursuit of Personal Growth

I don’t have to prove any. Anything to anyone except myself. Perspective and, um, I think just, you know, realizing that, you know, there’s probably more pressure on, I don’t know, maybe trying to win one and then maybe if you never, then defending one, I guess. I don’t know, honestly, just perspective and, you know, the last couple weeks were tough, and I was like, I have to do this and do that, but I’m like, you know, I don’t have to prove any. Anything to anyone except myself. And, um. So this whole week is just. Or two weeks are just about proving it, you know, all the expectations, expectations that I have on my. On myself. And so, yeah, I think just learning and just realizing there I have a lot left and to give this game and whether it’s gonna happen this year or in the future, I have many more years coming back here, and I’m not gonna win every year. So, um, I think just that perspective and just having the belief that I can, but not the expectation that I should.