Recovering from Sickness, Packing for Games, and Handling Unexpected Situations: A Day in the Life

hey so I’ve been kinda sick so I haven’t done anything on TikTok but now I feel a little better so I’m gonna work out today do a little packing for the indie game and my lip is still a little fat from that hit but it’s okay and Charlie my workout’s in an hour but I wanna try to pack before I leave my mom’s not here so I had to fold all my stuff on my own the suit there’s one for the way back let’s go under armour is black and orange weird whatever sports bra another let’s put some stuff in my backpack now got the Omega 3 and then some basic two oh god okay secret ingredient that makes my bun stay in you know what time it is let me put you on something real quick these are fire and they have a lot less ingredients those are butter pretzels best for last almost forgot well I just worked out and did some shooting and I didn’t get to record it because I got a random call saying that I got like someone spent all this money on my credit card so then I got distracted and I couldn’t record anymore so but now I’m back and I handled it so but I did some threes floater okay real quick so backstory at the New York came like I just like walked out without my suitcase so I couldn’t finish packing until I got it back from my lovely teammate who picked it up but so now I have it so let’s finish okay I got my outfit for the game and then all my recovery stuff and it’s going in the bag okay we’re done ready to go I’m making some food don’t ask me why I’m using this I need to wipe this off it’s dirty I forgot to record like everything actually I had a meeting with my mindset coach today but like shout out DJ but I’m not gonna like put that on here it’s weird night